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    曉魚 2010-11-08 21:14
    Today I faced the very social reality, or let's say the hidden rules. 我不想多想、但是旁人却为我感到愤愤不平。可有什么办法呢?总不能责怪老爸没让我当成“富二代”吧?呵呵   Just keep fighting.别让日子白过了,该你的不会少,迟到的春天说不定更甜。   我总是如此的善于安慰自己。
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  •     Tonight I watched a movie "The Social Network". Honestly, the pace of the movie goes so fast that I cannot follow it, yet I found it was a really nice movie that worthed watching. Then I found some comments about the movie from the Internet, I think the best comme
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    曉魚 2010-11-05 14:35
    C: I wanted to let you know the treaty is over.我想让你知道协议解除了。 B: Fine with me.This pretense of civility was exhausting.我没意见。我已经厌倦了这种高尚的借口。 C:Being amicable isn't in our blood. I've realized we're not friends. Friends have to like each other. And after what happene
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    Love & Betrayal

    曉魚 2010-11-05 00:15
    Just finished watching Gossip Girl. I was happy for Chuck&Blair have each other back, yet feel so sad at the same time. It seems like a disaster. Even though You like someone so much, how could you get over it if your beloved one betrayed you? In reality, many couples experiences the same s
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