





National Holiday

已有 152 次阅读   2010-10-05 11:03   标签Holiday  National 

    The national Holiday. I didn't go out.
    I am an assistant of Professor Guo in our university. she had told me I must complete her last year's teaching plans and PPTs in one week. So, en vacance, While watching TV,I learn my PC office applications and perfect the assignments.At the beginning, I feel the tasl is so heavy---one year's teaching plans and PPTs[17+15=32] in six days. Is it possible? The answer is, yes .I make it! I will sit at the table the whole afternoon, editing the PPTs or texts.I had burn the midnight oil in three days.Actually,as for me, maybe it will be not so difficult if I were not the kind of person which called "perfectionist". But that's my personality,I  just could not help but carry out. 
    No pains ,no gains.Sometimes. I feel so boring,because all my roomates have went home. So ,I would go to the so-called commercial street[also called rubbish street] to bring dormitory a variety of snacks, sit at the table, eating, watching TV and editing the texts. Althought the assignment[texts and PPTs] is too heavy, I have learnt more form it----how to effectivly use the Office.Before that, I didn't kown how to develop the potential of Excel, Word and Ppt. 
    Oh,I must say,this week flew by so quickly that when it comes to the end I remember the thsis.Actually, I had intended to do it, but when I peep at the paper, I will feel fatigue.I don't kown why I am so slugish.