






已有 142 次阅读   2010-09-30 13:13   标签GRANDFATHER  CHILDHOOD 
     My grandfather was born in 1940.That period had witnessed the Anti-Japanese war, the civil war, the founding of new Chinese nation and post-war reform.So many changes had taken palce.So did him.
    He led a hard life, the sacrity of food,suffering a lot, phsically and mentally. He had told me that my greatgrandfather had burnt all properties in opium. In a backward, poverty-striken area, there were only two kind of people: landlord and famers. He belongs to the latter.What they most concerned is food and warmth, not mentioning receiving education(Hierarchy of needs---That's why he repeat again and again to me "Did you get enough to eat? Eat more"). At the age of 12 ,being illteral, he had to sell labor to raise the whole family.Compared with my childhood, it was unbelievable. But he usually tell me his magnificent,adventrous episode: the proud of getting his first salary,the joy of stealing sweet patatos in landlard's yard......TO BE CONTINUED
