





Pacific Internet experience Android Client V1.1.1

已有 340 次阅读   2011-05-24 10:17   标签office  2007  2010  deluxe 
Pacific Internet Client V1.1.1 Android experience

【Application】 PConline Pacific Internet as the industry's first to offer the client the client products, providing a carefully selected information and digital products, IT classes a national market information, and relying on the huge Pacific Internet's most comprehensive product library to provide the most accurate product information. It also integrates photography blog, enjoy the beautiful wallpaper every day is also a regularly updated mobile phone wallpaper library. Today, open the client updates are found, the original Pacific Internet's Android client has been updated to V1.1.1 version of the article by adding comments, sharing and microblogging features such as application download, the following simple sharing of experience under their trial.

push and version update information

one, the article comments

previously using Pacific Internet's Android Client View Article After the comments or if you have any published opinion is no way turbotax deluxe, can only view the computer user or the iphone client user comments. The new version finally joined the comments feature, we just click the icon to write the upper right corner (position and Sina microblogging client's written is the same) can write their own comments and published, the majority of the Android mobile phone users finally have ; you, God to act to review it office 2007 key!

Android mobile phone users can also comment Rights

Second, the micro-blog to share

now see the wonderful nice pictures or articles want to instantly share with friends, a new version of Pacific Internet Android client also joined the function. Articles and pictures to share to the account designated by Sina microblogging. Browse the article, just click the second icon in the lower left; view pictures click function is the key - to share the Sina microblogging. To share successful, the page displays in the micro-Bo is Microblogging control their action!

can share pictures and articles to Sina microblogging

from application download

Pacific Internet has many Android applications evaluation of the article is to introduce some of the more useful most of the excellent software. Previous versions of the software after reading the article you want to download the trial is more interested in the trouble. New version of Pacific Internet introduced Android Android client application in each article was filled with a bold download button, you can direct calls to our main system windows 7 key, click the browser to download and install, very easy. Application fanatic action!

recommended application download is very easy

Fourth, the use of experience and recommendations

addition, the new version of Pacific Internet product library Android client also search, sorting machine, classification lists office 2007 key, and functions as well as some known bug optimized, application stability and fluency has also been improved. Optimization of the trial on the portfolio, a short time but also no how to test office 2010 key, but the degree of stability and smooth indeed be guaranteed.

IT information and quotes

exquisite pictures and product library

In addition, the previous version of the information, quotes, pictures, and the product library are all preserved through the client view the article quicken deluxe, or check products still enjoy the picture is still very convenient. But it is worth mentioning that in the article loading speed and volume of consumption Android Pacific Internet or client needs to be improved, I hope to perfect the next version.

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