





leave me alone

1 已有 370 次阅读   2011-01-13 18:29   标签email 

Brother li told me you would coming to our place,  you will teach how to recite Buddha name this time, you are so cruel, the world is too big, why choose the place I ‘m living.?You haven’t  any information to me now, no sms , no email, no any answers. The last time we met, I told you I finally chose to reciting  buddha’s  name, so you come here just to teach me? Or you want to see me? I can’t guess and I don’t want to guess what you are thinking. You have supernatural power, you must know how much I miss you, you know how much I am wrong, you know how much I will miss you if we meet again. You know how much I’m be hurt, but I try to be happy in front of you, I try to be happy in front of all people, but my heart so pain only I can feel , especially when I am alone.

I’m wrong to miss you, I’m wrong to love you, I’m wrong to weep alone, I’m wrong to ……, please forgive my feeling, please give up me ,forgive me l will love you in my heart forever and ever ,  I tried my best to  find the reason why I miss you so deeply? I can’t find,  it’s so strange.    As you agree you are living in my spirits, you are my spirits, but you know so cruel feeling made my heart so sad sometimes, I’m  used to this feeling, used to ,but please don’t stir the unpeaceful water of my heart again,   don’t make the waves ran so high. I ‘m afraid I won’t  bear anymore , I will fall down forever, keep your cruel, let me disappointed forever and ever, then I will try to forget you in my mind step by step.


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