A lot to complaine
已有 114 次阅读 2011-01-11 21:56When talking with my colleges, complain towards boss, this company seems to be an endless topic. Each one is seeking for a new job preparing to quit the job when the annually bonus safely launch at the bank accounts.
It is also what I am looking for, a better job and a better income. The interview the other day leaves me great expectation. I am desperately waiting for the 2nd round interview, imagining the life of future. I will see if I can get their notice this Thursday or otherwise I will call them.
I took a meeting with A company this morning on behalf of my boss. At least I checked with client and made clear that the first EDI 940 will be released with POE Los Angelus to fulfill the charter. This is an top important information for our ramping operation.
What I done today is to revise the invoice address for APAJ, a very boring paper work but must be very careful.
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