





Crushed on you

已有 113 次阅读   2010-12-27 14:18   标签写给昨天、 
    When I was 15,I crushed on you because of a letter. I know it was a pure love that I had.
But after somebody told that I like you, you changed. befoer that, we can talk about the fuuny things around us . That was the happiest time so that I can get through many diffculties. After all, you are just like a close friend that I can talk to . Both bad and good feelings,I can say to you without afraiding whether is propor or not.
   Changes happened, you didn't treat me like before. If you were worrying about me that I might disturb your life.
   So, we became strengers in future. Words between us became less and less. Finally, we just showed a smile to each other when we meet, never a word appear.
   Now, I have already forget you ,the person that I put in my mind for more than 4 years. As a result, I should say goodbye to you .
   You mean a lot to me before, but now you are just a common friend or a stranger to me.
   All thhing about you is the past .And would never affect my life now.
   Good-bye ,my first lover.