





memory of my used-to life and my real life now

已有 341 次阅读   2010-12-10 08:45   标签memory  life  real 
  I still remembered the life when I was just a little girl, living happily and believe the fairy tales which my sweet little friend had told me.
  At that moment, life was what simple things as you may come up with. Playing with the masses who you like, singing all day long without nobady complained about that, trying to catch the butterflies or dragonflies as much as you could, and so on.
  But nowadays, what we have to do was testing, sleeping, shopping, with little funny things to enjoy. I knew someone may show something to me, for sake of convincing me that life is still colorful and enjoyable.
  So, I don't know the reason, I don't know why I was so upset these days. Sometimes, I just wanted to be a normal person living in a peaceful life with people that I have cherished through my whole life.
  Yesterday, I was asked to be one of the audiences to watch a basketball match without any passions. The teacher told us, what you needed to do was just obey what the school require all of you to do. I was so surprise to get this message from my teacher and almost angry about what they asked us to do. Did that necessarily mean we are just the mechines, which were just doing the things with commands. If so, I'd like to be a normal person than a school mechine.