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  1. mechelle: Everything in my eyes is not important.Someone were your best friends,but ... (02-25 14:40) 回复
    1. 低半拍: but? (02-25 20:36) 回复
  2. mechelle: somebody do not know what i want to need.somebody also do not know how i love him.but ...everything is ending.Tomorrow i am another one.Forget sad,forget sad.In my heart he is not the one. (02-01 10:26) 回复
  3. mechelle: Today i feel not so good.I dreamed one after another.I dreamed my father,and he told me he always stay with me.That's really a dream,but i still believe in the dream.So i wouldn't wake up. (09-16 12:00) 回复
  4. mechelle: it's really ture. (09-16 11:51) 回复
  5. mechelle: The bad things occered one after another.Let my frame of mind is very bad.Two buses 's collision,i had to get down the bus,so i desided to by taxi, i had waiting for over ten minutes,the free taxi ha (09-15 23:04) 回复
    1. freshair_chai: 不会吧。。。 (09-15 23:38) 回复
    2. mechelle: that's ture (02-25 14:53) 回复
  6. mechelle: I will work in Guang zhou.But I'm very afraid,no friend in there and i never get to there.If i never told the news to renner,i'm afraid i can't promish them. (09-15 22:49) 回复
  7. mechelle: Today is hard to forget! (09-15 22:45) 回复
  8. mechelle: 如果有一天有个朋友突然来到我面前,真诚跟我说我们做个朋友吧.我会谢谢她的 (09-14 17:50) 回复
  9. mechelle: 明天终于可以开始忙起来了,像某人说的,我老是呆着,会带出病来,事实上没那么严重,只是皮肤差了很多,又加上经常熬夜.有些话也只是在这里痛快地述说了,反正谁都不认识我.也唯有这样,真实的自己才不被人误会. (09-14 17:43) 回复
  10. mechelle: 他是真的有女朋友了吗?之前他告诉我,当时都很伤心,但现在觉得不像,他之前告诉我不是属猪的,那么为什么那天又说猪入虎口呢>把羊入虎口改为猪入虎口,一点都不像是自己说错话.不管怎样,我感觉我很在乎他的感受. (09-14 00:22) 回复
  11. mechelle: 我真的没有骗他,一直以来我都觉得有这么难得的朋友很自豪,我很珍惜,可如今成了这样的局面,谁能替我跟他说呢?我们毕竟是网友,也不会有人做桥梁.告诉自己,坚强些.他肯定不愿意看到我这么多乱七八糟的想法. (09-14 00:20) 回复
  12. mechelle: 原以为我写邮件给他,他会回,可惜不是,我真的是错了,做了很多莫名其妙的事情,难道是因为我原男朋友的事情没跟他说>让他觉得有欺骗的感觉?可是我们之间的事情哪有那么简单就能说清楚的,何况我们总是分分合合了好几 (09-14 00:17) 回复
  13. mechelle: 没想到,到现在我还是那么地不安静,回想我说的每一句话,他说的每句话,越来越觉得奇怪.难道我是让他失望了?或者是我惹到他了,总之我非常担忧,虽然我很清楚做好我自己的事情,不要胡思乱想,可是他却不明白问题产生了. (09-14 00:15) 回复
  14. mechelle: 我真的想跟小胖文说自己的心理话,可是不能,不知道是忙还是怎么的,我们已经不能回到以前那个样子,这次他过来看我,他走后,我才深深地觉得他从我身上带走了一样东西,失去那样东西我变得神魂颠倒,不知所措! (09-14 00:12) 回复