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  1. forwardcici: 有时候我们会觉得了解身边那个人非常透彻,但是有的时候却觉得那么陌生... (01-22 21:36) 回复
    1. 小护: 人嘛! (01-23 21:17) 回复
    2. KelvnnNettie: 雖然人在身旁, 但却覺似陌生, 表示兩人在心靈上仍未能完全溝通 .... 這麼近, 那麼遠 (01-25 18:02) 回复
  2. forwardcici: 既然你想考虑清楚,我选择dispeared... Good! (01-22 21:08) 回复
  3. forwardcici: 雪后的天气,冷,很冷,非常冷... (01-22 16:13) 回复
  4. forwardcici: 注定要继续等待 (01-21 15:21) 回复
  5. forwardcici: 焦急的等待结果,希望不管哪一种都是老天爷帮我选的最好的那种 (01-21 14:51) 回复
  6. forwardcici: 第8天了,我还是没有想好到底要不要做最后的决定... (01-21 10:26) 回复
  7. forwardcici: 最近的生活实在是有够乱的… (01-21 00:06) 回复
  8. forwardcici: 据说这个山寨的要被封了,那咱们上哪儿再联系呢? (01-20 20:00) 回复
    1. huimin70: 啊。这个真的是山寨啊?怎么办怎么办? (01-21 10:31) 回复
    2. forwardcici: 是滴丫~你看域名现在都改成"facebookFan"了 (01-21 10:34) 回复
    3. huimin70: 我也觉得好怪啊。怎么办呢?哎 (01-21 16:55) 回复
    4. KelvnnNettie: 來這裡吧 .... http://www.facebookol.com/ (01-25 18:05) 回复
  9. forwardcici: 大家都平安到家了么?杭州还是在下雪,真是很难想象在这个江南的城市可以下那么久的雪啊,好想去孤山路的COSTA喝杯热热的LATTE,anyone would be with me ? (01-20 19:15) 回复
    1. zaoshudewo8023: 呵呵 可怜的娃 (01-20 19:54) 回复
    2. forwardcici: 我幸福着呢,虽然没有在孤山路,但是在空调屋,喝白开水...没敢泡咖啡,怕晚上失眠。 (01-20 19:57) 回复
  10. forwardcici: Morning everyone,still big snow today. Hope everything goes well,traffic... Take care of yourselves... (01-20 11:50) 回复
  11. forwardcici: Finally,what we had said last night were all shit. do whatever you want,so do I. Good Night , everyone ,I love yours... (01-19 22:51) 回复
  12. forwardcici: 40码的速度很OK… 车还是那么多啊… (01-19 17:34) 回复
  13. forwardcici: I think so. And what I am doing now. It worked! (01-19 17:32) 回复
  14. forwardcici: 马上要下班啦,大家回去的路上要小心袄 开车的要慢性,走路的要一步一步稳稳的走袄~ 顺便欣赏美美的雪景!~~~~ (01-19 17:08) 回复
  15. forwardcici: 愉快的今天马上要过去啦~ (01-19 17:06) 回复
  16. forwardcici: If everything happened to us is really true,I think the happy ending is coming... I hope sp,my honey carl... (01-19 15:25) 回复
    1. zaoshudewo8023: 头晕 帮我翻译下 (01-19 16:37) 回复
    2. forwardcici: 不带这样达.... (01-19 16:42) 回复
    3. zaoshudewo8023: 怎么会不带呢 (01-19 16:49) 回复
    4. forwardcici: 等待下班的愉悦心情 (01-19 16:52) 回复
    5. zaoshudewo8023: 晕了 呵呵 我也快下班了 心情愉快得很 (01-19 16:54) 回复
    6. forwardcici: 等我自己不晕了,我告诉你是咋回事儿,哈哈 (01-19 16:55) 回复
    7. zaoshudewo8023: 不带这样达.... (01-19 16:56) 回复
    8. forwardcici: 怎么会不带呢...循环ing... (01-19 16:57) 回复
    9. zaoshudewo8023: (01-19 16:59) 回复
  17. forwardcici: 大雪天~我最爱,看什么都是美美的啊~~~ (01-19 15:18) 回复
  18. forwardcici: we're all stranger here,so would we be be honest to eachother. why couldn't in real word???? (01-18 12:15) 回复
  19. forwardcici: I will be honest to everyone,hope you guys too... (01-18 12:14) 回复
    1. minandp: I will (01-18 12:56) 回复
  20. forwardcici: sometimes,the most thing we really want is true!!! (01-18 12:12) 回复