





  1. Cemira: Dogshit is not destiny, destiny is not dogshit either. (03-18 21:50) 回复
  2. Cemira: 欲问韶华谁与度——冷雪芳草,远山薄雾,伴佛青灯护。 (02-15 21:14) 回复
  3. Cemira: 深广的心如静谧清幽的秋水,世事沧桑如浮云变幻。影落秋水,却无一物能停留;时光荏苒,那称为记忆的已成转瞬。 (01-28 20:20) 回复
  4. Cemira: 过敏过敏。。 (01-24 15:58) 回复
  5. Cemira: Earthquake happens when the moon in her complement. (01-19 22:52) 回复
    1. 低半拍: 是吗 (01-20 10:28) 回复
  6. Cemira: On my way home full of miss of you. (01-16 19:37) 回复
  7. Cemira: We will meet each other in the March when flowers are blossoming and grass is budding. (01-13 21:52) 回复
    1. ko67: 滿詩情畫意 翻譯一下 ok please (01-13 22:40) 回复
    2. Cemira: 在三月那个草长莺飞、鲜花烂漫的时节,你我将会相遇。 (01-14 23:13) 回复
    3. ko67: 是啊 少女情懷總是詩 這個時節也快來臨 我祝福你 在偶然邂逅心中 少女情懷總是詩 這個時節也快來臨 我祝福你 在偶然邂逅心中的她出現眼前 (01-14 23:35) 回复
    4. Cemira: 同样祝福你,不期待石破天惊,只愿望休戚与共。 (01-15 16:01) 回复
    5. ko67: 雋永的詩句 總是唯美而浪漫 沒親身經歷難體會 想必本身是淒美的 (01-15 21:52) 回复
  8. Cemira: i was sure that he must be my Mr Right the first sight i saw him.but what a pity that i cannot do anything since he has got married. (01-13 00:04) 回复
  9. Cemira: 饶了我吧,失眠。 (01-11 10:55) 回复
  10. Cemira: Staring at your black washy eyes and falling into your silent charming softness. (01-10 18:34) 回复
  11. Cemira: disappear with the wind.. (01-08 22:48) 回复
    1. 美丽精尚生活馆: 但我还在啊...... (01-08 23:15) 回复
    2. Cemira: 从本质上说,我们都不在。。 (01-09 21:36) 回复
  12. Cemira: NY.What is that?No way.That's NW......New York. (01-06 21:19) 回复
  13. Cemira: 霍金推翻了唯物论,我激动的很,这与我是不是唯物者无关,只是最后与佛教融合,让我很开心。 (01-05 19:51) 回复
  14. Cemira: 所谓门槛,过去了就是门,没过去就是槛。 (01-03 20:02) 回复
    1. 剑心: 有点道理! (01-10 18:37) 回复
  15. Cemira: Having glanced back thousands of times, i meet him. (01-02 22:57) 回复
    1. 独孤九剑: 一千次回首啊 脖子的柔韧性真好啊 想我就不行啦 (01-02 23:16) 回复
    2. Cemira: 所以今世需要保护好脖子。。 (01-03 11:33) 回复
    3. 独孤九剑: 我想还是在前面放个镜子吧 省的扭脖子了 (01-03 20:23) 回复
    4. Cemira: 好主意。。。 (01-04 11:52) 回复
  16. Cemira: thingking while walking or not (12-31 20:48) 回复
    1. lympany: Who are you (12-31 20:51) 回复
    2. Cemira: i am who i am.you? (12-31 22:03) 回复
  17. Cemira: 最好的文学就是在语言的精准度里制造语言的暧昧 (12-30 22:45) 回复
  18. Cemira: i hate the sudden task thrown onto my back.what's even worse,i have to go to school on such a windy day tomorrow. (12-27 23:15) 回复
    1. 86646679@qq.com: belss you! (12-28 13:46) 回复
    2. 叶萱萱: (12-28 23:45) 回复
    3. Cemira: (12-29 00:03) 回复
  19. Cemira: Set a bear trap at the bottom of the chimney.Wait for Santa to get caught in it,and then explain that you're sorry,but from a distance,he looked like a bear. (12-26 21:34) 回复
  20. Cemira: Stop sweeping the difficulties under the rug. (12-25 20:48) 回复
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