






15099864194的主页 » TA的所有记录
  1. 15099864194: I thought i never know you! (12-17 15:50) 回复
  2. 15099864194: 我不怕过光棍节,就是怕我喜欢的人过光棍节! (11-11 09:49) 回复
  3. 15099864194: I have a lot of dreams··· (10-22 13:34) 回复
    1. Candyrong: you should have a specially dreams,as you have enough time (10-22 15:40) 回复
    2. 15099864194: i don't care about time,i care about whether it come true (10-25 11:02) 回复
    3. 羽卒: so..... (10-22 18:46) 回复
    4. 15099864194: so i will do a lot of things (10-25 11:06) 回复
    5. 羽卒: i just want to ask:do u have much time? (10-25 12:43) 回复
    6. 15099864194: may be.i'll try my best. trust me,baby! (10-25 14:57) 回复
    7. 羽卒: OK! i think you can do it! (10-25 22:07) 回复
    8. 15099864194: Thanks (10-26 09:37) 回复
  4. 15099864194: 秋风起,烧鸡翼 (10-18 15:32) 回复
    1. 惟清: 什么意思烧鸡翼 (10-18 15:48) 回复
    2. 15099864194: 烧鸡翅 (10-19 09:55) 回复
  5. 15099864194: I wanna be free,may I? (09-28 15:00) 回复
    1. jasmine0908: of course you can^^ (09-28 15:03) 回复
    2. 15099864194: you're right,thank you (10-08 14:34) 回复
  6. 15099864194: Just fly...... (09-27 09:59) 回复