





  1. sapyou: 哎,假的FACEBOOK啊·········· (12-14 12:00) 回复
    1. 低半拍: 呵呵 只是一个平台 无所谓真假 呵呵 (12-14 12:51) 回复
    2. sapyou: 我想多认识一些外国朋友,但是呢?真的又打不开 (12-14 13:31) 回复
    3. 低半拍: 呵呵 外国人我觉得没中国人好相处 (12-14 18:56) 回复
    4. Emily1985: 嘿嘿,亲爱的,你现在才发觉哦!不过你可以找到留学生,也可以交流的啦~~~ (12-15 10:05) 回复
    5. sapyou: 我早发现了,不过还好我还是有办法,哈哈 (12-20 11:31) 回复
  2. sapyou: I love sunshine. (12-09 12:44) 回复
    1. 顾翎: ME TOO (12-09 12:46) 回复
    2. sapyou: 我这儿又出日太阳了,嘿嘿 (12-09 12:57) 回复
    3. jamesxt: I love sunshine and sea (12-09 13:34) 回复
    4. sapyou: everyone will like them too (12-09 14:22) 回复
  3. sapyou: The weather is very good today,haha.How nice! (12-08 11:28) 回复
    1. 低半拍: 我也喜欢 (12-08 11:44) 回复
    2. sapyou: 真好,有阳光真好 (12-08 11:45) 回复
    3. 低半拍: enen (12-08 11:51) 回复
    4. sapyou: 可惜,有点儿冷呀 (12-08 11:54) 回复
    5. 低半拍: 嘻嘻嘻 有阳光 冷点也开心 (12-08 11:57) 回复
    6. sapyou: 恩,心里暖暖的 (12-08 12:01) 回复
    7. Emily1985: 我们这儿都阴天几天了,冷飕飕的,一点都不爽…… (12-08 20:33) 回复
    8. sapyou: 过几天肯定会出太阳的,不会总是阴天的 (12-08 20:37) 回复
    9. Emily1985: 嗯嗯 这样就好,哈哈否则周末就不好玩了。 (12-08 20:44) 回复
    10. sapyou: 嘿嘿,周末要出去约会把? (12-08 20:53) 回复
    11. Emily1985: 没人约~~但是如果好天气,倒是可以考虑自己干点啥娱乐下,嘿嘿。 (12-08 21:09) 回复
    12. sapyou: 其实自己一个人也挺好 (12-08 23:10) 回复
    13. Emily1985: 现在的你体会不到啦~~~ (12-09 09:11) 回复
    14. sapyou: 我 怎么就体会不到了呢? (12-09 11:25) 回复
    15. Emily1985: 因为你有喜欢的人了嘛~~ (12-09 15:09) 回复
    16. sapyou: 谁说的? (12-09 15:21) 回复
    17. Emily1985: 嘻嘻 难道没有?没有的话,很多人都有机会了啵! (12-09 15:29) 回复
    18. sapyou: 我郁闷,现在呀又没人喜欢我呢 (12-09 17:15) 回复
    19. Emily1985: 你一吆呼,保管很多人来排队!哈哈~~~要不要姐姐我帮帮你? (12-09 17:25) 回复
    20. sapyou: 你要怎么帮我呀? (12-09 17:32) 回复
    21. Emily1985: 帮你找个Mr.Right~~ (12-11 10:39) 回复
    22. sapyou: 这倒不用 (12-11 19:41) 回复
  4. sapyou: I really care of you so deeply. (12-07 12:44) 回复
    1. Joe2413: really? (12-07 12:45) 回复
    2. sapyou: haha.It's not you. (12-07 12:55) 回复
    3. Joe2413: I know, just felt happy for the person who you are care of. (12-07 12:57) 回复
    4. sapyou: really?haha,I hope you can find a person who can gives you the same feeling. (12-07 12:59) 回复
    5. Joe2413: and I have experienced such feeling before, but I ever hurt one girl, so I swear it won't happy again. (12-07 13:01) 回复
    6. sapyou: I'm so sorry to hear that,but you still have love,don't you? (12-07 13:03) 回复
    7. Joe2413: yea , I am happy cause I found a girl who fell in love with me,and we will marry soon. (12-07 13:05) 回复
    8. sapyou: Oh,it's so nice for you.Congratulations. (12-07 13:10) 回复
    9. Joe2413: T hank you ,and you are in chengdu,a beautiful city (12-07 13:26) 回复
  5. sapyou: I'm eating someting. (12-07 12:27) 回复
  6. sapyou: I hate do all of housework but I must do it very often.Oh,My God! (12-06 18:15) 回复
  7. sapyou: Learn more languages on web of www. live...... (12-06 17:25) 回复
    1. 美丽精尚生活馆: 为什么呢...........? (12-06 18:18) 回复
    2. sapyou: 嘿嘿,我是学外语的 (12-06 18:31) 回复
    3. 美丽精尚生活馆: 真的啊....不过我是学英语的....跟你不同.... (12-06 18:35) 回复
    4. sapyou: 我也是学英语的,不过还学习其他语言,还学日语和韩国语 (12-06 18:41) 回复
    5. 美丽精尚生活馆: 太利害了.....致敬.... (12-06 18:54) 回复
    6. sapyou: 嘿嘿,还好还好 (12-06 18:55) 回复
  8. sapyou: Learn more languages on web of www. live...... (12-06 16:22) 回复