- Joe2413: what kind of job? (12-06 10:06) 回复
- marina: foreign trade (12-06 19:02) 回复
- Joe2413: and do you want to be a salesgirl? (12-06 19:12) 回复
- marina: why not? (12-06 19:35) 回复
- Joe2413: I just ask , (12-06 19:58) 回复
(12-07 10:46) 回复
- marina: I just try (12-07 10:47) 回复
- Joe2413: how is the first work day? (12-07 10:52) 回复
- marina: oh friday this week is my first work day. (12-07 12:29) 回复
- marina: Aren't you a chinese?Why always in english? (12-07 12:32) 回复
- Joe2413: 呵呵,英语对你应该不是很陌生的吧, (12-07 12:41) 回复
- marina: 额 还好吧 毕竟外贸这一块对英语要求挺高的 我口语很烂的 呵呵 (12-07 16:00) 回复
- Joe2413: 那不是更要抓住时间练习口语啦, (12-07 16:10) 回复
- marina: 是的 我去面试的时候别人都考我口语 当时就愣了 平常都很少说英语的 (12-07 16:16) 回复
- Joe2413: 你学的是什么专业的啊?是外贸吗? (12-07 16:54) 回复
- marina: 嗯嗯 国际贸易! (12-07 17:41) 回复
- shirley5266: 别灰心,继续努力LO (11-30 11:01) 回复