





  1. MELING: have one day doing,i hoping quickly spend the time.please.i want to go home,i miss my family. (12-02 21:26) 回复
    1. qingfengyang: 那就回去吧 (12-03 08:04) 回复
    2. MELING: 我也想,可惜就快期末考试了,眼看着就放寒长假了。所以还是不回去的好。哎,现在只盼快点期末考了。 (12-03 12:37) 回复
  2. MELING: just ate the dinner,have duck-meat.it's my lovest.so enjoying..thanks the god!!! (12-02 17:43) 回复
  3. MELING: Maybe my thoughs is wrong.maybe friend isn't i though that.maybe i should change.change my though,my opinion,my attitude.isn't it? (11-30 16:57) 回复
    1. 美丽精尚生活馆: 你确实要改变自己了......改变成下次....用中文说话....... (11-30 18:33) 回复
    2. MELING: ok~~ (11-30 21:47) 回复
    3. MELING: ok~~haha~~ (11-30 21:48) 回复
  4. MELING: i will be fine.better and better.. (11-29 16:28) 回复
    1. 经验: congratulations (11-29 16:33) 回复
    2. MELING: thanks~~hope the sme to u. (11-29 16:34) 回复
    3. 经验: you are welcome!Be it so! (11-29 16:40) 回复
    4. chenyiyao: i agree (11-29 23:04) 回复
    5. MELING: 3Q。haha~~ (11-30 16:54) 回复
    6. chenyiyao: (11-30 20:04) 回复
  5. MELING: kiss all handsome boys..good night now~~ (11-25 23:51) 回复
    1. KelvnnNettie: (11-26 01:21) 回复
    2. MELING: ok,哈哈,你是在间接说你是handsome boy吗? (11-26 12:44) 回复
    3. chenyiyao: GOOD NIGHT (11-27 22:15) 回复
  6. MELING: good night,my all friens..the thanksgiving day is overing now.haha~~i haven't miss u.thanks. (11-25 23:50) 回复
    1. chenyiyao: 闹台套 (11-29 00:02) 回复
    2. MELING: 神马。哈哈~~ (11-29 12:47) 回复
    3. chenyiyao: 哈哈 (11-29 22:19) 回复
  7. MELING: 我的眼睛越来越模糊,还有我的体重越来越重。一身都是缺点。哎。。 (11-23 23:06) 回复
    1. 美丽精尚生活馆: 错....这是你的优点!当台风来了....别人都被吹走了.....你还在.......当地震来了...你身上的"脂肪"能让你多活几天(获得救援的机会).....这....这难道不是优点吗....? (11-23 23:54) 回复
    2. MELING: 哈哈。那这样的优点还是给你吧。我宁愿被台风吹走啊。这样我就可以免费游览太空啦。笨~~ (11-24 12:28) 回复
  8. MELING: eating grape.i like fruit.it's deliclous.but today i eat so much, will increase my weight.i'm so scare.. (11-23 20:19) 回复
    1. skyzhong: don (11-23 20:35) 回复
    2. skyzhong: don't be afraid, more weight more cute (11-23 20:36) 回复
    3. MELING: haha ..thanks.ok.a good health is so importance. (11-23 20:57) 回复
    4. skyzhong: but you look so thin, now you look so beautiful, keep the weight you will be more health and beautiful (11-23 21:01) 回复
  9. MELING: i don't what is my feel now.i don't miss and don't feel heart-ache~so what wrong with me?maybe i don't love u. (11-23 12:22) 回复
    1. 安静缄默: 错了 (11-23 13:20) 回复
    2. MELING: 什么错了? (11-23 20:14) 回复
    3. 低半拍: 这个不好说 (11-23 14:33) 回复
    4. MELING: 怎么不好说?什么不好说? (11-23 20:14) 回复
    5. 低半拍: 呵呵 就是不好说嘛 (11-23 21:53) 回复
  10. MELING: 姐姐我决定剪短发。哈哈,男人头。从斜刘海到平刘海。不断的尝试。现在突然想换平刘海,只是想自己看起来变得更坚强些而已。这个,是爸爸妈妈都不知道的。 (11-22 19:16) 回复
  11. MELING: 我想我真的从来没入过❤,才如此果断。不去想念。而且很自然的,不曾想起。也不曾在意。maybe i don't love u. (11-22 18:53) 回复
    1. MELING: 从来都是这样,我很累。你知道吗?所以我现在不想在意。你明白吗?或许你很平凡是我想要的平淡的生活。可是也许注定不是我的。 (11-22 18:54) 回复
  12. MELING: by the way,yesterday,LiYanho,he and me three guys went to see the Asia Games,so happy in the process.but the end is not good.i suddenly realize he unsuit me.can u understand?dear friends..maybe i'm w (11-22 13:19) 回复
  13. MELING: today is Zhouge's birthday.and i treat him to eat a lunch.he said thanks to me,and so happy.i just want to say "birthday's a good festival". (11-22 13:13) 回复
  14. MELING: 我知道我的风格很俗,可是我觉得很称我!哈哈 (11-21 12:20) 回复
  15. MELING: 手指不灵活,好像抽筋了手指!哎,估计是老了,呜呜,我想吃唐僧肉!我要长生不老! (11-21 12:12) 回复
    1. 代理㊣村长: 唐僧就系个耍猴的,吃他干嘛呀? (11-21 12:14) 回复
    2. MELING: 村长,你好啊!吃他保住我的容颜啊!不许你说唐僧的坏话! (11-21 12:21) 回复
    3. 代理㊣村长: (11-21 13:36) 回复
  16. MELING: 今天下午1点出发看亚运田径赛,呜呜,刘翔明天就会在!可惜我明天要上课,不然我也去! (11-21 12:10) 回复
  17. MELING: 我好想养兔子哦,嘴唇红红的那种,毛雪白雪白的~~很乖,小小个的。不要太大,不然我会把它煮来吃了。呵呵 (11-20 14:29) 回复
    1. yoyo、: 別煮啊。別那麼殘忍啊。。嗚嗚 (11-20 14:35) 回复
    2. MELING: 哈哈,不会的。我怎么可能这么残忍啊。连寿司的生鱼片都不敢吃呢。更何况宰兔子。。 (11-22 13:07) 回复
    3. qingfengyang: 不会像网上说的孽兔女吧?好恐怖的 (11-20 15:17) 回复
    4. MELING: 哈哈,才不是呢。我正经女。哈哈 (11-22 13:05) 回复
    5. j.im.h: 别那么残忍嘛.. 炸了算了,记得留只腿给我哦 哈 (11-21 21:24) 回复
    6. MELING: 哈哈,好啊!叫上你一起来烹饪啊。。 (11-22 13:06) 回复
    7. j.im.h: (11-22 15:28) 回复
    8. MELING: (11-22 18:43) 回复
  18. MELING: last night,i dono't konw what's wrong with me?when he wasn't,i'm so missing him.unbelievable..do u understand? (11-20 14:13) 回复
    1. j.im.h: who's the guys you miss? (11-21 21:25) 回复
    2. MELING: u unrealize. (11-22 13:05) 回复
    3. j.im.h: what a pity.. (11-22 15:30) 回复
    4. MELING: haha .. (11-22 18:45) 回复
  19. MELING: just watch tv about<gossip girl1>.it's so good.i want to see the last programs.but here is download.. (11-20 14:04) 回复
  20. MELING: before some days,i'm real miss u.but now i'm surely tell i don't like u.this's my real talk. (11-10 20:06) 回复