





  1. Eugene: 在一个没有他的世界,任意独行 (10-07 23:21) 回复
  2. Eugene: 幸福就是我现在在暖腾腾的屋子里吃饱喝足了,看着外面冒着风霜雨雪奔生活的人。 (09-30 12:28) 回复
  3. Eugene: Have finished our journey!!good bye shamen. (09-12 06:48) 回复
  4. Eugene: Tonight,we will set out on a journey to Xiamen.Having a wonderful time~!~ (09-08 16:54) 回复
  5. Eugene: OMG!!I'd love to watch 原来是美男啊!!wonderful!! (09-05 02:04) 回复
  6. Eugene: I want to travel to Macau,Hainan and Beijing recently,but study first.So,after I pass all the exam that I must pass,I will consider these things again.God bless me!! (09-03 00:51) 回复
    1. zhou721210: (09-03 11:05) 回复
  7. Eugene: I want to travel to Macau,Hainan and Beijing recently,but study first.So,after I pass all the exam that I must pass,I will considere these things again.God bless me!! (09-03 00:48) 回复
  8. Eugene: Actually,I hate the summer, it's too hot to bear。。。。。 (09-02 02:19) 回复
    1. 张茜: 我生活在玉溪,这里的夏天很美好,有冰西瓜和我最爱的菠萝,以及全家去汇溪公园游泳,吃烤鸭。 (09-02 03:58) 回复
    2. Eugene: 那很好啊,可惜我是旱鸭子一只,不会游泳。 (09-02 14:05) 回复
    3. 张茜: 真可惜,我刚诞生时,我妈就把我丢在了婴儿游泳培训处练习了,所以我天生水性好 (09-02 16:31) 回复
  9. Eugene: It's raining now in Foshan,I hope this moment for a long time,yeah!! (09-01 23:41) 回复
    1. 张茜: 看来你是一个很诗意的人 (09-02 04:01) 回复
    2. Eugene: 其实我纯粹是怕热。。。 (09-02 14:04) 回复
    3. 张茜: ,这也行,服了你,不过玉溪这边温度很适宜,所以我才没想到 (09-02 16:33) 回复
    4. Eugene: 哈哈,我们这里的温度夏天最高有38咧~ (09-03 00:32) 回复
    5. 张茜: 我这儿夏天最高不会超过32 (09-03 13:06) 回复
  10. Eugene: 厦门毕业游因台风被搁置了,令我不想去了~~ (08-31 17:42) 回复