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  • insist! Wuhan 6 0 for three consecutive days

    From 0 to 24:00 on April 28, the newly confirmed cases in Hubei and Wuhan were 0, the newly dead cases were 0, the current confirmed cases were 0 and the severe cases were 0*pected case is 0. Pay homage to all efforts, don't slack off, keep on cheering! 搜索 复制
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    Xiaotangshan Hospital, today's "clean up"!

        A novel coronavirus pneumonia in Beijing Xiaotangshan has been discharged from the last batch of two new crown pneumonia patients. "Live well after discharge," said Mr* pneumonia patients in Xiaotangshan designated hospitals will be cleared and will be closed tomorrow. 搜
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  • Wir arbeiten zusammen, um die Epidemie zu bekämpfen.

    Der neue Koronavirus stellt eine Bedrohung für die globale Ernährungssicherheit dar* kann die Unterernährung stark ansteigen, was zu höherer Sterblichkeit führt.Menschen mit Unterernährung haben ein schwächeres Immunsystem und werden häufiger krank*setzung von Klasse
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  • Please note that! Behavior during the outbreak

        The new crown epidemic is raging all over the world*munity workers and other industries have made great efforts to win the war without gunpowder.     If the infectious virus infectors do not carry out isolation treatment according to the regulations, they will not only pu
    215 次阅读|没有评论
  • China provides 1.4 billion masks to the United States

    China has provided more than 1.4 billion masks to the U.S. Cui Tiankai stressed that it is imperative for China and the United States to work together to fight the epidemic. "In fact, the Chinese Embassy in the United States, myself and my colleagues in Beijing are almost every day in contact
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  • Blessing to medical staff at the front line

    If human beings are not allowed in this epidemic, please let wild animals go in the future! If this epidemic is defeated by medical staff, please treat them well in the future! Because when in danger, they are using their own life to protect your life! They are not afraid or want to be heroes*t hav
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    wangxiue 2020-04-22 17:27


    A doctor is not only a scholar but also a Xia. He not only heals the body, but also the heart. In the past winter, they let me know who is the most respectable person, not the star idol, not the famous entrepreneur, but the bravest person who saves lives and helps the wounded. Thank you. 搜索 复
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