cherish合: Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts.Others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face! (12-21 14:38) 回复
- coalaren71: 这个FB99%是中国人,还有一个是新疆的所以还是说中文吧 (12-21 14:40) 回复
- cherish合: 呵呵 偶尔说一下又无妨!既然学了就要说啊!你是新疆的? (12-21 15:51) 回复
没那基因,正儿八经的MEND IN CHINA (12-21 15:55) 回复
- cherish合: 呵呵 made in china? (12-21 16:37) 回复
coalaren71: 额~~就像你说的英文这玩意儿啊,你经常不用的话就真全还回去了!!
(12-21 16:52) 回复
- cherish合: 是的呀!有机会还是练习的好!哈哈 下班了! (12-21 17:03) 回复
coalaren71: BYE
(12-21 17:11) 回复