olivia0204: 很伤心 因为一个很好的朋友跟一个像哥哥一样好的师兄摊派了 一方面又希望好朋友能够幸福 另一方面又不忍心看到师兄那么伤心 其实师兄什么都知道 只是装作不知道而已 唉……真的很矛盾 Anyway,希望大朋友能够尽快恢 (10-09 20:12) 回复
olivia0204: I looked at the door again and again.I hope that maybe he will come in next moment.But he did't .My heart sang.What's more,I saw that he had lunch with another this afternoon!!!I'm so sad today.[em:7 (09-25 21:14) 回复
olivia0204: Why?Just because he didn't come to English class today?What's going on with me??? (09-21 21:31) 回复
olivia0204: 可可说我太不主动了,的确我不太会主动,但曾经我尝试过主动,可结果只换来一句我只把你当妹妹。罢了,以前的他我已经忘了,但是对着现在的那个他我真的不会主动~~还是看缘分吧,唉~~~
(09-20 12:21) 回复
(09-18 17:48) 回复
(09-18 22:58) 回复
什么意思啊 我说的话很不正常吗
(09-18 23:16) 回复
450307667: but who is him?
(09-17 18:31) 回复
olivia0204: en````secret~~~~
(09-17 18:35) 回复
CKlife: secret?...secret lover??
(09-17 19:22) 回复
olivia0204: No.Maybe he don't know me,but I have feeling for him.So~~~
(09-17 20:57) 回复
450307667: it doesn't matter,u know,everybody has his or her secret love,yes?
(09-17 23:07) 回复
olivia0204: Right.I really hope that one day him can come to me and ask my name.Oh,my new friends,please give me you encouragement.Thanks~~~
(09-17 23:36) 回复
- 罗士勇: 哈哈 (09-17 21:05) 回复
450307667: but who is him?