zuiki (姓名: 张瑞瑞)
- 已有 444 人次访问, 888 个积分, 794 个经验
- 用户组别:Lv.4 蓝钻会员
- 主页地址:http://lianpupu.com/24935
- 人生就像卫生纸,没事的时候少扯~~~
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12-04 21:26 close to u~
kitty told me u stayed late and had a headache~ u tole her instead of me~~ i see,we even can not be fr anymore,i should ignore any inform -
11-27 18:11 that's all~
after a year's time,we're done,w,our story is end,and that's all without the happy ending~ we both love the song by jason mraz<lucky&g -
11-25 15:58 そんな会話~~
下午是日语外教课,一个事极多极极多的老头,西山老师,我每次都不去,但每次他都问bella我为什么不去~ 贝拉设计了一个她下午要和外教说的对话: 西山 -
11-24 12:23 confusion~
i can't composed myself anymore,indeed,i can't pretend anymore~ how dare u disappear for such a long time ,no message,no call~how dare u~ u re -
10-18 15:42 该死的巧合~~
为了淡然,决定不见某人,尽量躲开:不去他去的咖啡店,不去公共实验室,不去图书馆他常去的楼层,不上QQ,MSN~ 为什么这样还是不得不遇到:电台,停车场,活
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