twlightworld (姓名: jing xing)
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01-15 18:57 kalu Rinpoche
最近看到Kalu 一世仁波切与kalu 二世仁波切的照片,突然感悟很深,当人身体老化了,不好用了,不要死死抓住不放,就应该舍得放弃,换个新的身体,更俊美庄严、 -
01-13 18:29 leave me alone
Brother li told me you would coming to our place, you will teach how to recite Buddha name this time, you are so cruel, the world is too -
01-11 18:44 是谁
是谁在撩拨我的心线, 让我心一阵阵催眠? 是谁的眼, 在对我望眼欲穿之后, 却在看我的一瞬, 又 -
01-11 18:34 The colorful clouds
Convert my miss to pieces of colorful clouds Passing lands and mountains to you in the sky . whenever you do ,wherever yo
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